2009年3月23日 星期一

衝玉山衝人氣! Different view on Yu Shan

最近世界七大奇景舉辦活動投票 靠著網友的支持
可以說是暫居第一 「山岳及火山組」第一階段選拔


Some people say that things alwas have two different ways to see. We say, much more than that!The great of Jade Mt. is the veriety sights presents in different season, angle and mind of mountaineer. Just like the meaning of Yu-Shan as "A purity heart as jade with sense of justice & honor like the Mountain." It's not only when seeing the pictures of the peak itself, but also when you stand on the highest point of Formosa, you shall understand the true meaning of yours.常言道「一體兩面」,我們說:還多得很!玉山之峻乃由其多采的景色,依季節、角度以及登山客的心境而變化萬千。如同玉山同謂「心清如玉、義重如山」,非僅生於觀賞峻美的主峰圖像可以感受,親登福爾摩沙之巔將為您帶來更多對於生命的體會。

新世界 七大奇景 投票 教學 How to vote the new 7 wonders of nature
Video intro for vot the new 7 wonders of nature.
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